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Changing Custody Laws: What Changed and How Does it Affect My Case? (50/50 presumption)
During the 2023 Legislative Session, there were significant changes made to Florida custody laws. Establishing Paternity: Prior to the...
I Received Mail from Child Support Enforcement. What do I do?
Florida Department of Revenue handles Child Support Enforcement for the State of Florida. The Department of Revenue will normally start a...
How do I start a custody case?
"Custody" in Florida Courts is known as "timesharing". Timesharing can be established in a Paternity Case, if the parents are not...
Can the noncustodial parent claim our child on their taxes?
This post answers some common questions about the dependency tax exemption, one of the most highly contested issues in Florida Family law ca
Let's Keep This Out of Court: The Pros and Cons of Filing a Paternity/Child Custody Case
The are many pros to filing a Paternity Case, such as consistency and enforcement help when the other parent does not follow through as orde
So You've Hired an Employee. . . Now What?
Employers are tasked with the responsibility of knowing and complying with all applicable employment laws and the responsibility for their e
Business Legal Woes: How Risky is Your Business?
The small business lawyers at the Law Offices of Lakeisha R. Simms can help businesses assess their level of litigation risk and create a ri
Choosing the Legal Structure of Your Business
The most common business structures for small businesses in Florida are sole proprietorship, partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations. The Law O
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